The Asian Society of Natural Products |
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1. The First ASNP International Symposium on Curcuma, Jan 7-8, 2019 Photos from the Symposium are now available. Click! * Organized by the Asian Society of Natural Products
* Hosted by the Asian Soceity of Natural Products Thailand Chapter and Faculty of Technology, Khon Kaen University
* Organizing Committee Hyang-Yeol Lee Korea National University of Transportation Korea Jaehong Han Chung-Ang University Korea Kanit Vichitphan Khon Kaen University Thailand Pornthap Thanonkeo Khon Kaen University Thailand Chair Siriwat Jinsiriwanit Chiang Mai University Thailand * Invitation ASNP initiates the effort to harbor the academic activity with Curcuma, by lauching the special symposium series. Whereas tumeric, Curcuma longa, is one of the most popular Curcuma species used as functional foods, cosmetics and herbal medicines, more than 100 different species have been reported and remain as potential natural products. Experts working on Curcuma, any species of Curcuma, including cultivation, industry, taxonomy, biological activity, metabolism, clinical study, and more, will be invited to discuss about future direction of Curcuma research and industry. The invited speaerks will contribute reviews and research articles, which will be edited for the production of monograph by ASNP. * Venue : Khum PHucome Hotel Chiang Mai, Thailand * Program (No Registration Fee for the ASNP members)
* Registration (Due by Dec 21, 2018) This event is free for ASNP members and open to public. However, registration form should be submitted. Fill the Registration From and submit to asnpmail@gmail.com
* Abstract Submission The invited speaker and poster presenter are expected to submit the abstract using the From. The form will be submitted with the registration form to ASNP, asnpmail@gmail.com.
* Invited Speaker Only The invited speakers are supported for two-day staying in Chiang Mai (room and board) and are expected to submit the personal vitae and full manuscript for the inclusion to the monograph published later. For the personal vitae, see the example. The manuscript can be prepared in free style for the general reader about 20 pages.
Contact Persons (Secretary of ASNP) In general Jaehong Han jaehongh@cau.ac.kr Korea Jongkeun Choi jkchoi@chungwoon.ac.kr Thailand Kanit Vichitphan kanvic@kku.ac.th Indonesia Anton Bahtiar anton.bahtiar@gmail.com Philippines Sonia D. Jacinto soniajac2008@gmail.com
Supported by Office phone: 82-31-670-4830 Office email: asnpmail@gmail.com Office address: The Asian Society of Natural Products Sujeong-gu, Bokjeong-ro 96, 30-0 1st floor Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Zip code 13112 |