Updated on Feb 25, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 related situations in the region, The ASNP-CAU Joint Symposium was postponed to May 6-7, 2020. ASNP holds causal symposia internationally or locally to promote ASNP activities. The organization of the symposium is based on proposal by members or other organizations.
The ASNP holds ASNP-CAU Joint International Symposium to extend the collaborative effort in Korea for the researchers and students. The symposium specifically aims to build the network and strengthen the research interactions between CAU College of Biotechnology and Natural Resources and ASNP membership countries.
Date:April 1 – 2, 2020
Venue: CAU Anseong Campus
Organized by Jaehong Han and ASNP Korean Chapter
Hosted by Department of Plant Science and Technology, CAU
Supported by CAU, ASNP, Phytobean, Handong Herb, Bio FD&C, Sims Organic
Confirmed Invited Speakers ASNP Speakers Bekir Engin Eser, Assistant Professor at Aarhus University, Denmark Nguyen Minh Chon, Associate Professor at Can Tho University, Vietnam Ning Li, Professor at Shengyang Pharmaceutical University, China Title: Traditional Chinese Medicine as Lung Cancer Chemopreventive Agents
Xuezheng Li, Professor at Yanbian University, China Title:Chemical constituents and their anti-cancer activities from the flower of Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa
Vanida Choomuenwai at Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Thailand Title: Approach for mimosine extraction from Leucaenaleucocephala young leaves using Box-Behnken design (BBD) in combination with response surface methodology (RSM)
CAU College of Biotechnology and Natural Resources Speakers Changsun Choi, Professor at the Department of Food and Nutrition Title: Inhibitory Mechanism of Five Natural Flavonoids against Murine Norovirous
To be added more
Registration Early Registration Due by Mar 1 2019 Registration Fee: Free for ASNP member and Undergraduate student, KRW 50,000 for non-member (Registration fee is paid to ASNP)
Abstract form
Program April 1, 2020 16:00 ASNP delegates and invited speaker visit to College of Biotech CAU, Anseong, to discuss on future collaboration 18:00 Welcome dinner April 2, 2020 9:00 ASNP-CAU joint symposium Part 1 6 speakers 11:30 Lunch at university cafeteria 13:00 ASNP-CAU joint symposium Part 2 8 speakers 17:00 Closing
ASNP membership Application: please fill the form and send to regional secretary of ASNP by email.
Supported by Office phone: 82-31-670-4830 Office email: asnpmail@gmail.com Office address: The Asian Society of Natural Products Sujeong-gu, Bokjeong-ro 96, 30-0 1st floor Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea. Zip code 13112 |